Twenty Great Ways To Damage, Maim, and Kill Trees On Your Property While Building Your Dream House
- Take out the most vigorous and healthy trees
- Leave damaged trees with serious defects
- Leave suppressed trees
- Wound the trees you leave
- Compact the soil
- Change the grade
- Change the drainage patterns
- Kill the roots while trenching for utilities
- Excavate test pits near trees for septic drainfield "soil logs"
- Pave around the trees
- Store excavated soil around trees
- Stockpile construction materials around trees
- Dispose of chemicals and paint near trees
- Install extensive lawns and sprinkler systems
- Use the trees as fence posts
- Top the trees
- Clear and grade entire property (make sure all topsoil is hauled off)
- Pile and burn brush, limbs and stumps close to trees
- Plant English Ivy at base of trees
- Use herbicides generously